SSGT  Allan Birmantas
1954 - 1967
1956 Nagoya Japan.
I am the second trumpet from the left.
604th AF Band - The jazz band component. This was really a very good band.I played most of the trumpet solos. I am the only trumpet player with glasses
1963 playing for a funeral
That's me standing.It was at the Gunter AFB service club dance.The band was part of the 604th AF Band
This is a small group that I played with while stationed at Maxwell AFB in Ala. This was taken in 1957 while I was still
20 years old.I am the trumpet player.
My Aunt and My Stepmother
8th Grade Graduation
My Dad & I - Graduation 1951
Me & My Wife Carol
Nagoya Japan.1955
As a 19 year old Airman
Basic Training - 1954
Sampson Airforce Base, NY
Basic Training - 1954
Sampson Airforce Base, NY
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1950  Angel Guardian
1950  Angel Guardian